The following topics are suggested for the scientific program:
Data collections
Molecular similarity and diversity analysis
Molecular descriptors and molecular representations
Machine-learning methods in chemistry
Building and validating QSAR models
Virtual screening
In silico pharmacology
This event is organised with the support of:
the French Society on Chemoinformatics (SFCi, Société Française de Chemoinformatique)
the GDR Chémoinformatique (CNRS)
the University of Strasbourg
Alexandre VARNEK - University of Strasbourg (UdS), France
Didier ROGNAN - National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Confirmed speakers:
J. Bajorath (University of Bonn, Germany),
I. Baskin (Lomonosov University of Moscow, Russia),
N. Brown (Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK),
G. Cruciani (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy),
A. Cherkasov (Vancouver Prostate Center, Vancouver, Canada),
R. Glen (University of Cambridge, UK),
J. Overrington (EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK),
M. Rarey (University of Hamburg, Germany),
G. Schneider (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland),
C. Sotriffer (University of Wuerzburg, Germany),
A. Tropsha (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
W. Warr (Wendy Warr & Associates, UK),
P. Willett (University of Sheffield, UK),
B. Villoutreix (University Paris-Diderot, France),
G. Wolber (Free University of Berlin, Germany),
J. Gasteiger (University of Erlangen, Germany),
and J.-M. Lehn (University of Strasbourg, 1987 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)
The following topics are suggested for the scientific program:
Data collections
Molecular similarity and diversity analysis
Molecular descriptors and molecular representations
Machine-learning methods in chemistry
Building and validating QSAR models
Virtual screening
In silico pharmacology
This event is organised with the support of:
the French Society on Chemoinformatics (SFCi, Société Française de Chemoinformatique)
the GDR Chémoinformatique (CNRS)
the University of Strasbourg
Alexandre VARNEK - University of Strasbourg (UdS), France
Didier ROGNAN - National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Confirmed speakers:
J. Bajorath (University of Bonn, Germany),
I. Baskin (Lomonosov University of Moscow, Russia),
N. Brown (Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK),
G. Cruciani (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy),
A. Cherkasov (Vancouver Prostate Center, Vancouver, Canada),
R. Glen (University of Cambridge, UK),
J. Overrington (EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK),
M. Rarey (University of Hamburg, Germany),
G. Schneider (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland),
C. Sotriffer (University of Wuerzburg, Germany),
A. Tropsha (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
W. Warr (Wendy Warr & Associates, UK),
P. Willett (University of Sheffield, UK),
B. Villoutreix (University Paris-Diderot, France),
G. Wolber (Free University of Berlin, Germany),
J. Gasteiger (University of Erlangen, Germany),
and J.-M. Lehn (University of Strasbourg, 1987 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)
Strasbourg Summer School - Strasbourg, France, 23-27 June 2014
Welcome to Strasbourg !
Its magnificent Cathedral, its fine food, "La Petite France" the typical quarter beloved of the tourists, not to mention the Grande-Ile, a UNESCO World Heritage site, have given it its reputation as a city anchored in History and Tradition.
Located in the "Esplanade" district, the Central Campus is near Strasbourg historical center. Also called "Esplanade Campus", it is the main University of Strasbourg Campus, regrouping University headquarters and many University of Strasbourg elements (including the "Tour de Chimie"), as well as the main part of the research units. Several independant high schools are present as well (Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg and INSA).
Conference Location
The conference will be held in two locations :
The CDE (European College) : 46 boulevard de la Victoire 67000 STRASBOURG (Website)
The "Tour de Chimie" (Chemistry Tower - Faculty of Chemistry) : 1 rue blaise pascal 67000 STRASBOURG (Website)
These two buildings, both located in the Central Campus, are close to one another with an easy access :
1 : Tour de Chimie (Chemistry Tower)
2 : CDE (European College)
3 : Restaurant "le 32"
How to get to the Central Campus - Esplanade?
From the airport
Take the shuttle train until the terminus Strasbourg Railway Station (see here)
Take the tram line C, direction "Neuhof Rodolphe Reuss" and get off at the stop "Observatoire".
From the train station
Take the tram line C, direction "Neuhof / Rodolphe Reuss" and get off at the stop "Observatoire".
From a bus or tram station
The Central Campus is situated near the tram station "Observatoire" on lines C and E.
Please check the map of the city network Here
By car
Coming from the North, on highway A4:
Follow the directions to "Kehl".
After the tunnel, stay on the left and follow the direction "Esplanade".
Turn left and cross the Pont du Danube.
Go straight on Rue d’Ankara and on Rue de Leicester.
Turn left to rue de Londres.
At traffic light, go straight across avenue du General de Gaulle and the tram rails.
Enter the Place d’Athènes, which is in front of the Campus Central.
Coming from the South, on highway A35:
Take the Exit "Place de l’Etoile-Neudorf", stay on the left lane.
Follow the direction to Kehl.
Continue as described above (directions for coming from the North on highway A4).
Strasbourg Summer School - Strasbourg, France, 25-29 June 2012
Early registration (before April 15th 2014) :
850 €
550 €
350 €
Accompagnying person
200 €
After April 15th 2014 :
900 €
600 €
400 €
Accompagnying person
250 €
Financial and technical supports
4th Chemoinformatics Strasbourg Summer School - Strasbourg, France, 23-27 June 2014
logo BioSolveIT
Logo of the OpenEye company
Logo of the KNIME company
LHASA Limited
Logo of the LHASA Limited company.
Lhasa Limited
Logo of the MathWorks company
Xemistry Chemoinformatics gmbh
Logo of the Xemistry Chemoinformatics gmbh company
Wolf Ihlenfledt
Alsace Region
Logo of the Région Alsace
Région Alsace
Tutorials of the school
no publication
Tutorial 1 - Data Selection and Treatment with KNIME
In order to facilitate a smooth KNIME Workshop experience, please follow the instructions below:
Go to KNIME web site and download the special distribution of KNIME provided for this workshop here. This special package provides the latest version of the KNIME Analytics Platform with all required extensions pre-installed. Additionally, it already contains the KNIME Workflows and data files that we will use in the workshop. The file is large (>1gb) so please do this well before the workshop begins.
Unpack the archive file (.zip, .dmg, or .tar.gz) to a local directory on your computer.
Feel free to post any questions you may have prior to the workshop in the linked forum
If you want to learn more about KNIME before the workshop, consider having a look at the KNIME youtube channel for guides to getting started and many other topics.
Details of the tutorial are available in the following document:
CS3 2014 Tuto 1 - KNIME
CS3 2014, Tutorial 1 - Data Selection and Treatment with KNIME
Tutorial 2 - QSAR modeling of compounds profiling
The tutorial presents some data mining approaches suited to QSAR approach of profiling problem.
It is based on the MATLAB system and the MALSAR library.
The MathWorks company provided us with a trial version of their software. To get the trial MATLAB software use the login informations provided to you by eMail on Tuesday 17th of June and follow the instructions in this file. Note that you’ll need to create an account on the MathWorks web site.
The dataset, scripts and precomputed results that will be needed for the tutorial can be downloaded here:
CS3 2014 Tuto 2 - QSAR Profiling
Datasets, scripts and precomputed results for the tutorial on QSAR modeling of compound profiling.
University of Strasbourg
After unpacking this archive you will find 4 folders:
–Exercises: the MATLAB scripts of each exercise.
–Precomputed: matlab data files (.mat) containing precomputed results to avoid lengthy calculations during the tutorial. Of cours, one can prevent the exercises to load these pre-computed results and reproduce them from scratch.
–Scripts: useful MATLAB scripts to factorise command lines for common tasks.
–Datasets: Molecule and descriptor files used in the tutorials. From this material, one can reproduce the tutorial using a different set of molecular descriptors.
Detailed instructions for the tutorial are available here.
Write to Gilles MARCOU for any comments on the material or if you noticed errors in it.
Tutorial 3 - Compounds profiling : shape analysis of binding sites and pharmacophore modeling
This tutorial will be held the 3 computer classes of the Faculty of Chemistry (4, rue B. Pascal, 4th floor) which is next building to CDE. The software is installed on computers in these classes, no licenses will be provided.
It works on Linux and uses command lines. The software presented are based on the C++ OEToolKit from OpenEye.
Detailed instructions are available here:
CS3 2014 Tuto 3 - 3D Profiling
Detailed instructions for the tutorial 3 on Compounds profiling : shape analysis of binding sites and pharmacophore modeling